Monday, March 2, 2009


Who gave you your name and why? Did you have a family nickname? How did you get it?

(Janet: Before my mom and dad were even married, they were sitting on the front porch of my mom's folks home in a porch swing. They new that they wanted to get married some day and somehow, the conversation was on children. They said that they wanted to name the first one Janet Marie. Well, they changed their minds when the first was born a boy.

When I arrived, they still wanted Janet Marie.

When I was born in my "big" brother, "Happy", always called his cousin a baby. He pronounced it "dodie". When I arrived, I was a baby and he tried to say "dodie". We copied him and I became Dodie.)

MARY: My middle name "Emma" was after my parents told grandmother. I was called Mary Emma amongst the relatives. Every one else calls me Mary.

Seeing my last name was "Stubbs", all the kids at school nicknamed me "Stubby".

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